Returns Policy


How to return

To be eligible for a return, your item must be in original "as new" condition. Please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order so we are able to do our very best to assist you. Once 14 days have passed since receiving your order, unfortunately we cannot accept returns. Your item will need to be repackaged and posted via a tracked or insured method. As we cannot be held liable for any items not shipped by ourselves. Please contact us prior to any returns.

Faulty items

To be eligible for a return or refund on faulty items please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order. If the item has a manufacturing fault, we will replace the faulty goods as soon as possible. As long as the item is in original “as new” condition, with the correct packaging. If we are unable to replace the item we will refund you. Mini Plus Me has the right to deny a return if it does not meet our returns policy.

Sale period items

Unfortunately sale items cannot be exchanged and all sales are final. Please be mindful of this when selecting your product. Sale periods have specific start and end dates. If your order was placed outside of when our sales start or end we are not obligated to refund you the difference in your order price or value. 

Processing a return

Please send an email to within 14 days of receiving your parcel, including the following information:

  • Order number
  • Date of purchase
  • Items to be returned
  • Reason for return
  • Your choice of store credit, refund or exchange